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April 20, 2006


Tack, tack kära du! Vilka UNDERBARA burkar och kannan är ju bara så... Detta älskar jag!!

Kram Anna

Ja, tänka sig att jag trodde du skulle gilla de här! Kul!

Tack means yes, or thanks, I can't remember?...and what about tänka, then...

I understand it must be frustrating for you trying to understand the Swedish parts, sorry. But here's a quick giude:
Tack = thanks
Ja = yes
Tänka = think


But I'm not against one more language!!! and believe me, I'm learning, here!

Just found your blog, we like the same blues and I put these enamel tins on my own blog with a credit to you for finding them, they are gorgeous.

Hey Cally! Thanks! I'm glad you liked them! I'm sold on those colors too. Hope to "see" you here again!

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